The studio group now has undertaken the construction of two machines for seeing the world and an analysis of these machines and their "perspectives"for them to be used with our Landscape models.
Machine #1: Prepare a small machine that can be easily carried and used that makes us see the cubist-inspired landscape model, according to how you think it should be seen but we might never see or forget seeing in that way.......I made a viewing cone that creates the sense of seeing the project in perspective but at the same time creating new views for the model. With frame lenses and sliding color lenses. So that each viewer can create there own frame for the project.
Machine #2: By following the same principles of the first machine, prepare a machine that allows us to see nothing, nothingness, or the disintegration of vision.......I believe that nothingness is create from seeing far to much of the original image, that the beliefs of vision are distorted. This was accomplished by the same concept of the vision cone as done in machine 1, that is rectangular in shape and 6" in depth. With multiple slides that are transparent but yet have different views of the project on them, by the time you look through all the slides the actual image is distorted creating nothingness.
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